Request Information
on how to
become a volunteer
Unless otherwise noted,
a one-year commitment is requested
and volunteers typically help
one or two days each week.
Training is provided.
Outdoors for All Ages, SeniorCare
Cape Ann and the North Shore region boasts a rich variety of opportunities to get out in nature. But not all outdoor areas are accessible to all, and it can be difficult to find the information needed to identify the right trail for you.
Age & Dementia Friendly Cape Ann is compiling information about local walks and hikes so that residents and visitors can access the outdoors with confidence. Our Outdoors for All Ages volunteers are walking local areas and reporting back on what they see. Commitment and schedule are flexible; walks encouraged on any trails, beaches and parks on the North Shore and Cape Ann.
Pet Program Volunteer, SeniorCare
SeniorCare values the benefits of pet ownership for older adults and those with disabilities, providing free and discounted pet services on an as-needed basis. SeniorCare’s STAY Pet Program utilizes the help of volunteers to provide services including dog walking, in-home care for pets, and transporting pets to the vet or groomer.
Volunteers should have experience caring for pets, and can help on a flexible schedule, including early mornings, evenings, or weekends, when desired.
The Trustees
If you are someone who wants to protect the places we love and enjoys being outdoors, The Trustees is a great place to get involved and volunteer. A wide range of volunteer opportunities are available at properties on the North Shore including Long Hill in Beverly, Appleton Farms, and the Crane Estate in Ipswich.
Examples of ways to get involved:
- Biodiversity
Volunteers hike together at Crane Beach collecting environmental data in coastal habitats. - Maple Sugaring
Volunteers help oversee the operations of the maple sugar process and share information with farm visitors at Appleton Farms. - Hike
Volunteers at Appleton Farms assist with leading educational and recreational hikes at the farm, sharing your knowledge and expertise while meeting community members.
One-Time Events
Share your time for a specific event that is being hosted by SeniorCare, a local non-profit, or local Senior Center. Help is needed year-round with collecting food at Holiday Food Drives, assisting with holiday meal deliveries, helping at a community holiday meal or outdoor BBQ, and much more.
The commitment for one-time events is flexible – volunteers sign up when you’re available.