SeniorCare offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities where
you can offer your time, skills, and knowledge to serve throughout the community.
We invite you to explore and learn more!
Volunteer Opportunities

Deliver Meals on Wheels or help meet food security needs at a local food pantry or senior center.

Help an elder get organized with monthly bill paying or assist with local seasonal tax preparation.

Assist with caring for an older adult’s pets; feeding, walking, or taking a pet to vet or groomer.

Advocate for elders--visiting local nursing homes to check on the care and wellbeing of residents.

Help isolated elders through friendly phone calls or by teaching an elder how to use technology.

Healthy Living Coaches co-teach classes to help older adults with balance, care giving and more.

Share your interests and skills in a variety of ways while connecting with others, helping at a local nonprofit or Senior Center.