Request Information
on how to
become a volunteer
Unless otherwise noted,
a one-year commitment is requested
and volunteers typically help
one or two days each week.
Training is provided.
Caring Connections Friendly Caller, SeniorCare
SeniorCare’s Caring Connections Friendly Caller Program helps provide companionship and assistance to isolated older adults through meaningful social connections. Volunteers are needed to provide weekly calls and connect with an isolated elder. Schedule is flexible; training and ongoing support provided.
This volunteer role does not require any in-person visits and can be done remotely from home.
Caring Connections Technology Volunteers, SeniorCare
SeniorCare’s Caring Connections through Technology program helps isolated older adults through hands-on technology assistance and support. Volunteers work one on one with an elder, showing them how to use their smartphone, tablet, or other device. If you’re interested in working with an elder to show them how to use their device/s, or even help them through the process of signing up for low-cost internet, please let us know. We are looking for volunteers who have patience and technical knowledge and can help an elder use their device with encouragement and assistance. Schedule is flexible; training and ongoing support provided.
Assistance can be provided at a local senior center or at the consumer’s home.
Friendly Visitors & Friendly Callers, Senior Centers
Several local Senior Centers operate Friendly Caller and Friendly Visitor Programs and are in need of volunteers to provide elders in their community with companionship and meaningful social connections through regular visits or phone calls. Schedule is flexible; training and ongoing support provided.
Contact us to learn which towns are looking for volunteers.