Changes to SeniorCare Inc. AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Federal Program

In response to new federal mandates that prohibit any mention or implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, SeniorCare has made the difficult but necessary decision to end our 24-year partnership with the AmeriCorps Seniors program.

Among these changes is the removal of any reference to or implementation of activities related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI). These restrictions directly conflict with SeniorCare’s core values and are unacceptable. SeniorCare remains steadfast in our commitment to fostering an inclusive, equitable, and welcoming environment for all. We have never, and will never, discriminate against anyone under any circumstances.

While we hope these restrictions will eventually be overturned, at this time, federal funding for our AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Program will be suspended. However, SeniorCare’s Board and leadership are fully committed to continuing our vital volunteer initiatives and partnerships with nonprofits across the North Shore. Our current volunteers will not be affected by this change. We are actively exploring alternative funding opportunities to ensure that our volunteers continue making a meaningful impact in the communities we serve.

Thank you for standing with us and supporting our most vulnerable community members and please reach out to me at any time.

With gratitude,
Scott M. Trenti, CEO
SeniorCare Inc.